Running with Justin: Taking Washington by Storm

Running With Justin

By David S. Taylor, M.A.


Ferris High School 800 Meter record holder Justin Zimmerman has begun a blog featuring the chronicles of the 2009 Ferris XC team. In his own words he will share season results, training experiences, and post race analysis. Also, look for Milesplit Washington to be embedded with the Ferris team throughout the 2009 season.


Zimmerman, labeled Zuperman by Milesplit Washington Staff, burst onto the Washington distance scene this last spring with a phenominal 1:51.69 800 Meter, improving a whopping 13 seconds from the previous year (2:04.2).  We have high expectations for this young man, but have every reason to believe that Coach Hadway has his head grounded firmly in reality as he looks to play a significant role in Ferris' 2009 push for the State Title and National Recognition.



Recent Blog Entry

"Ferris varsity team went to hell, shook hands with the devil and came back alive today"

Ferris Blog