Meet Information

Bearcat Booster Club Invitational

Stan 10.0pt\"> Hedwall Park, Chehalis

Amber Cruzan, email:

 Scott Chamberlain, athletic director

W.F. West phone#360-807-7235

Go to the following website to download
an entry blank:

Please email or U.S. mail entry forms.

No faxes please.

9:00 $5.00 Open Race

9:45 Coaches meeting

10:00 Girls JV

10:40 Boys JV

11:20 Girls Varsity

12:00 Boys Varsity

12:40 Frosh/Soph (boys and girls)

1:20 Middle School

2:00 approximate awards

Distance:  3 miles; Middle School 1.5 miles

Course is mostly grass, some gravel and
small pavement crossings.