Junior Varsity Boys 100 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 David Dunlap 10 Lewis and Clark 12.10PR
2 DeVeion Walter 9 Joel Ferris 12.11PR
3 Noah Barbery 9 Lewis and Clark 12.12PR
4 James Hayes Jr. 9 North Central 12.15PR
5 Noah Davis 11 Lewis and Clark 12.30PR
6 Cody Spacek 11 Lewis and Clark 12.37
7 Jace Parbon 10 Lewis and Clark 12.38PR
8 Joey Farrish 9 Lewis and Clark 12.53PR
9 Hunter Zigler 9 Joel Ferris 12.62PR
9 Malachi Landrum-Gamero 9 Joel Ferris 12.62PR
11 Cade Gering 11 North Central 12.66PR
12 Jack Hainsworth 9 Joel Ferris 12.75PR
13 Kaleb Kerr 11 Joel Ferris 12.78PR
14 Cade Conklin 10 Lewis and Clark 12.85PR
15 Mason Lombardi 10 North Central 12.91
16 Landen Crewdson 9 Joel Ferris 13.02PR
17 Maxx Richmond 9 North Central 13.03PR
18 Clark Buyser 9 Lewis and Clark 13.06
19 Ian Hicks 11 North Central 13.08
20 Keoni Lindsay 9 Joel Ferris 13.11PR
21 Calbe Halvorsen 11 Joel Ferris 13.12PR
22 Makaio MacMaster 9 North Central 13.26
23 Ian Cady 11 North Central 13.30PR
24 Izach Lopez 9 North Central 13.43PR
25 Adam Anderson 10 North Central 13.47PR
26 Nicholas Cruz 12 Lewis and Clark 13.73
27 Cole Starkel 9 Lewis and Clark 13.74PR
28 Henry Schmick 12 Lewis and Clark 13.78PR
29 Javier Johnson 10 Joel Ferris 13.79PR
30 Benjamin Regehr 9 Joel Ferris 13.83
31 Collin Dean 11 Joel Ferris 14.16PR
32 Imran Mushwani 11 North Central 14.42
33 Robel Kansay 12 Lewis and Clark 14.97PR
Junior Varsity Boys 200 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Cody Spacek 11 Lewis and Clark 24.79PR
2 James Hayes Jr. 9 North Central 25.23PR
3 Hunter Zigler 9 Joel Ferris 25.47PR
4 Mason Lombardi 10 North Central 25.87PR
5 Malachi Landrum-Gamero 9 Joel Ferris 26.01PR
6 Makaio MacMaster 9 North Central 26.42PR
7 Izach Lopez 9 North Central 26.77PR
8 Maxx Richmond 9 North Central 26.88PR
9 Landen Crewdson 9 Joel Ferris 26.99PR
10 Imran Mushwani 11 North Central 27.30PR
11 Elijah Bucklin 10 Lewis and Clark 27.31PR
12 Jacob Shelp 10 Lewis and Clark 28.10
13 Henry Schmick 12 Lewis and Clark 28.38PR
14 Nicholas Cruz 12 Lewis and Clark 28.49
15 Ryan Dewey 9 North Central 29.04PR
16 Cole Starkel 9 Lewis and Clark 29.05PR
Junior Varsity Boys 400 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 DeVeion Walter 9 Joel Ferris 57.49
2 Tommy McGivern 9 Lewis and Clark 58.18PR
3 Malachi Landrum-Gamero 9 Joel Ferris 58.54
4 Maxx Richmond 9 North Central 58.72PR
5 Cade Conklin 10 Lewis and Clark 59.56PR
6 Ashton Hands 10 Joel Ferris 59.62PR
7 Ian Hicks 11 North Central 1:00.27
8 Mohammed Mohammed 10 Joel Ferris 1:00.71PR
9 Benjamin Hochstedler 9 North Central 1:02.22
10 Keoni Lindsay 9 Joel Ferris 1:03.12PR
11 Adam Anderson 10 North Central 1:04.18PR
12 Josiah Ruffin 9 Joel Ferris 1:05.36PR
13 Javier Johnson 10 Joel Ferris 1:06.12PR
Junior Varsity Boys 800 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Zach Kness 9 North Central 2:16.39PR
2 Jonah Aden 9 North Central 2:19.57
3 Mohammed Mohammed 10 Joel Ferris 2:23.94
4 Aiden Mueller 9 Lewis and Clark 2:24.45
5 Sameer Powers 10 Lewis and Clark 2:25.42PR
6 Henry Moe 10 Joel Ferris 2:28.15PR
7 Manny Dorr 10 North Central 2:28.17
8 Johnathan Barker 9 North Central 2:28.22
9 Ethan Greiner 9 North Central 2:32.68
10 Kaie Bailey 9 North Central 2:33.75PR
11 Benjamin Louie 11 Lewis and Clark 2:35.99SR
12 Robel Kansay 12 Lewis and Clark 2:37.39PR
13 Byron Phillips 9 North Central 2:39.85PR
14 Brendan Kesler 9 Joel Ferris 2:40.39PR
15 Jack Bacon 9 North Central 2:50.47
Junior Varsity Boys 1600 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Zach Kness 9 North Central 4:47.37PR
2 Kian Miner 11 Lewis and Clark 4:49.80PR
3 Jonah Aden 9 North Central 4:58.09
4 Brian Bowers 9 Lewis and Clark 5:01.16PR
5 Sameer Powers 10 Lewis and Clark 5:03.98
6 Aiden Mueller 9 Lewis and Clark 5:08.37
7 Owen Middleton 11 Lewis and Clark 5:16.14PR
8 Norman Kessinger 9 Lewis and Clark 5:17.75PR
9 Manny Dorr 10 North Central 5:18.01
10 Dallin D'Hulst 10 Joel Ferris 5:20.63PR
11 Johnathan Barker 9 North Central 5:21.74
12 Ethan Greiner 9 North Central 5:22.24
13 Henry Moe 10 Joel Ferris 5:23.01SR
14 Blake Bro 9 Joel Ferris 5:34.25
15 Gabe Simpson 9 North Central 5:35.94
16 Kaie Bailey 9 North Central 5:36.07
17 Brendan Kesler 9 Joel Ferris 5:38.51
18 Suensson Ole 11 Lewis and Clark 5:41.88PR
19 Logan Gannaway 10 Joel Ferris 5:49.81
20 Byron Phillips 9 North Central 5:57.11
21 Roary Bruce 9 Joel Ferris 5:57.14
22 Maxwell Barnes 9 Joel Ferris 6:02.13PR
23 Douglas Finger 9 Joel Ferris 6:08.89PR
Junior Varsity Boys 3200 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Ethan Mueller 11 Lewis and Clark 10:45.71PR
2 Brian Bowers 9 Lewis and Clark 10:57.31PR
3 Scotty Crimps 9 North Central 12:04.63PR
4 Blake Bro 9 Joel Ferris 12:09.15PR
5 Roary Bruce 9 Joel Ferris 12:32.87PR
6 Logan Gannaway 10 Joel Ferris 12:51.82PR
7 Maxwell Barnes 9 Joel Ferris 13:33.88PR
Junior Varsity Boys 110m Hurdles Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Peyton Hirakawa 10 Joel Ferris 19.57PR
2 Mitchell Simpson 10 Lewis and Clark 20.04
3 Erick Niyitanga 12 Lewis and Clark 20.64PR
4 Kyle Bowen 10 Lewis and Clark 20.74PR
5 Riley Hands 10 Joel Ferris 20.77
6 Josiah Ruffin 9 Joel Ferris 24.34PR
7 Noah Barbery 9 Lewis and Clark 28.28PR
Junior Varsity Boys 300m Hurdles Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Peyton Hirakawa 10 Joel Ferris 48.28PR
2 Travis Klein 12 Lewis and Clark 48.64PR
3 Mitchell Simpson 10 Lewis and Clark 49.82PR
4 Kyle Bowen 10 Lewis and Clark 50.07PR
5 Erick Niyitanga 12 Lewis and Clark 50.37PR
Junior Varsity Boys 4x100m Finals
Team Time
1 Lewis and Clark 48.24
2 Joel Ferris 49.64
3 Joel Ferris 1:00.75
Junior Varsity Boys Shot Put Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Kaleb Kerr 11 Joel Ferris 35-09.00PR
2 Collin Dean 11 Joel Ferris 34-05.00PR
3 Austin Bascetta 10 Lewis and Clark 33-10.00
4 Jake Davis 11 Joel Ferris 33-06.00SR
5 Lauolefiso Alo 9 North Central 32-05.50PR
6 Joshua Beine 9 Joel Ferris 32-03.50PR
7 Calbe Halvorsen 11 Joel Ferris 31-01.00PR
8 Ferris Cline 9 Lewis and Clark 30-08.00PR
9 Holden Armstrong 10 Joel Ferris 30-02.50PR
10 Tibon Tibon 10 North Central 29-07.00PR
11 Aiden Butler 9 Lewis and Clark 28-08.75PR
12 Evan Larson 9 North Central 28-03.50
13 Lauoletolo Alo 9 North Central 26-10.00PR
14 Antonio Williams 9 Lewis and Clark 25-11.00PR
15 Noah Navas 10 North Central 25-06.75PR
16 Deontae Johnson 10 North Central 25-03.50
17 Don Kelly 12 Lewis and Clark 25-01.50PR
18 Nicholas Hall 12 North Central 25-01.25
19 Ryan Dewey 9 North Central 24-10.00PR
20 Alex Fleury 10 North Central 23-04.00
20 Skyler Royer 10 North Central 23-04.00PR
22 Ryan Ehring 9 Lewis and Clark 22-10.25PR
Junior Varsity Boys Discus Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Keel Potter 10 Lewis and Clark 93-07PR
2 Jake Davis 11 Joel Ferris 87-06SR
3 Collin Dean 11 Joel Ferris 85-05
4 Holden Armstrong 10 Joel Ferris 80-00PR
5 Aiden Butler 9 Lewis and Clark 78-09PR
6 Austin Bascetta 10 Lewis and Clark 77-11
7 Lauoletolo Alo 9 North Central 77-06PR
8 Alex Fleury 10 North Central 77-05PR
9 Tibon Tibon 10 North Central 75-11PR
10 Wyatt Havin 9 Lewis and Clark 75-10PR
11 Don Kelly 12 Lewis and Clark 74-03PR
12 Antonio Williams 9 Lewis and Clark 72-07PR
13 Noah Navas 10 North Central 72-05PR
14 Nicholas Hall 12 North Central 68-10PR
15 Joshua Beine 9 Joel Ferris 67-05.50PR
16 Evan Larson 9 North Central 65-03PR
17 Ferris Cline 9 Lewis and Clark 62-07.25PR
18 Ryan Dewey 9 North Central 60-10.50PR
19 Alanzo Williams 11 Lewis and Clark 59-08.50PR
20 Deontae Johnson 10 North Central 59-07PR
21 Skyler Royer 10 North Central 58-02.50PR
22 Lauolefiso Alo 9 North Central 56-08.50
23 Dylin Walker 9 North Central 55-05PR
Junior Varsity Boys Javelin Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Daniel Close 10 Lewis and Clark 126-06
2 Austin Bascetta 10 Lewis and Clark 125-03PR
3 Ferris Cline 9 Lewis and Clark 124-09PR
4 Holden Armstrong 10 Joel Ferris 119-00PR
5 Ashton Hands 10 Joel Ferris 117-05PR
6 Erick Niyitanga 12 Lewis and Clark 116-06SR
7 Ryan Dewey 9 North Central 109-08
8 Alanzo Williams 11 Lewis and Clark 109-03PR
9 Jace Parbon 10 Lewis and Clark 108-01PR
10 Juanjose Ruiz 11 North Central 105-01
11 Wyatt Havin 9 Lewis and Clark 101-04
12 Ezekiel Terrell 12 Lewis and Clark 97-09
13 Hunter Zigler 9 Joel Ferris 96-07PR
14 Evan Larson 9 North Central 92-09PR
15 Javen Delafield 11 North Central 91-08
16 Tommy McGivern 9 Lewis and Clark 89-08PR
17 Tristan Wilson-Furr 10 Joel Ferris 89-04PR
18 Christian Diacogiannis 11 North Central 88-06PR
19 Suensson Ole 11 Lewis and Clark 82-11PR
20 David Biennemann 10 Joel Ferris 80-03
21 Lauoletolo Alo 9 North Central 79-11
22 Marcus Gordon 11 Joel Ferris 73-03
23 Nathaniel Nikolayev 10 Joel Ferris 67-00
24 Dylin Walker 9 North Central 65-00PR
Junior Varsity Boys High Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Elijah Bucklin 10 Lewis and Clark 5-06.00PR
2 Jacob Shelp 10 Lewis and Clark 5-00.00
Junior Varsity Boys Pole Vault Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Liam Lynch 11 Joel Ferris 9-00.00
2 Preston Newcomb 10 Joel Ferris 9-00.00PR
3 Anthony Bibao 10 Joel Ferris 8-00.00PR
4 Garrett King 12 Lewis and Clark 8-00.00
5 Isaac Adams 10 North Central 8-00.00PR
6 Taige Rowley 9 Joel Ferris 8-00.00
7 Elliot Ream 9 Joel Ferris 7-06.00PR
8 Andrew Steinhart 9 North Central 7-00.00PR
Austin Pugh 10 Joel Ferris NH
Junior Varsity Boys Long Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Makaio MacMaster 9 North Central 17-09.00PR
2 Emmett Anderson 9 North Central 17-02.00PR
3 Peyton Hirakawa 10 Joel Ferris 16-08.00
4 Travis Klein 12 Lewis and Clark 16-06.00SR
5 Nicholas Cruz 12 Lewis and Clark 16-05.00SR
6 Connor Stearn 9 Joel Ferris 16-00.00PR
7 Korbin Meston 9 North Central 15-05.00PR
8 Keoni Lindsay 9 Joel Ferris 14-09.00PR
Benjamin Louie 11 Lewis and Clark SCR
Junior Varsity Boys Triple Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Travis Klein 12 Lewis and Clark 34-11.00PR
2 Emmett Anderson 9 North Central 34-04.50PR
3 Connor Stearn 9 Joel Ferris 34-01.00PR
4 Josiah Ruffin 9 Joel Ferris 30-04.00PR
Korbin Meston 9 North Central SCR
Junior Varsity Girls 100 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Maura Sheehan 10 Joel Ferris 13.94SR
2 Lliana Williams 9 Lewis and Clark 13.95PR
3 Sadie McMurtrey 10 Joel Ferris 14.48PR
4 Caydence Schelling 11 Joel Ferris 14.63SR
5 Carmen Flower 9 Joel Ferris 14.71PR
5 Kyla Sheehan 10 Joel Ferris 14.71
7 Emily Tompkins 9 Lewis and Clark 14.85PR
8 sarah Garvin 10 Lewis and Clark 14.90PR
9 Felicia Guthmueller 9 Lewis and Clark 15.04PR
10 Anya Wendt 11 North Central 15.08
11 Juliette Gleave 10 Lewis and Clark 15.42SR
12 Claire Tompkins 12 Lewis and Clark 15.51PR
13 maren Huber 9 Lewis and Clark 15.80PR
14 Mary Tesarik 9 Joel Ferris 16.13PR
15 Remi Tapak 10 Joel Ferris 16.28SR
16 Morgan Houttekier 10 Joel Ferris 16.40PR
17 Annika Menzer 9 North Central 16.85PR
18 Allison White 9 North Central 17.35PR
19 Kylie Peters 9 Joel Ferris 20.44PR
Junior Varsity Girls 200 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Kyla Sheehan 10 Joel Ferris 28.28PR
2 Lliana Williams 9 Lewis and Clark 29.18PR
3 Ava Gentemann 9 Joel Ferris 29.25PR
4 Sydnie Banks 10 Joel Ferris 30.03PR
5 Sadie McMurtrey 10 Joel Ferris 30.71PR
6 Carmen Flower 9 Joel Ferris 30.86PR
7 Daisy Vetter 11 Joel Ferris 31.56PR
8 Claire Tompkins 12 Lewis and Clark 31.93PR
9 sarah Garvin 10 Lewis and Clark 31.98PR
10 Emily Tompkins 9 Lewis and Clark 32.33PR
11 Caitlin Schilbe 9 Joel Ferris 34.22PR
Junior Varsity Girls 800 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Emma Stachofsky 10 Lewis and Clark 2:50.03SR
2 Isabella Matthews 9 Joel Ferris 2:54.90PR
3 Krista Snyder 10 Lewis and Clark 2:56.56PR
4 Helen Garabedian 9 Lewis and Clark 3:02.61PR
5 Claire Sanchez 11 Joel Ferris 3:04.08SR
6 Claire Blumenstein 12 Joel Ferris 3:07.74PR
7 Jiali Zhang 10 Joel Ferris 3:13.98
8 Sophia Laksiouer 11 North Central 3:24.17SR
9 Gillian Carney 9 Joel Ferris 3:24.90PR
10 Amber McConnell 10 Lewis and Clark 3:31.15PR
Junior Varsity Girls 1600 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Emma Stachofsky 10 Lewis and Clark 5:53.93SR
2 Mackenzie Rainbolt 9 Lewis and Clark 5:58.13PR
3 Lindsay Butler 11 Lewis and Clark 6:19.32SR
4 Isabella Matthews 9 Joel Ferris 6:24.79PR
5 Helen Garabedian 9 Lewis and Clark 6:37.72
6 Kelsey Williams 11 Lewis and Clark 6:39.29
7 Claire Sanchez 11 Joel Ferris 6:41.01
8 Chloe Wiley 11 Lewis and Clark 6:46.58SR
9 Moana Schopfer 12 Lewis and Clark 7:03.55
10 Zoe North 9 Lewis and Clark 7:08.35PR
11 Jiali Zhang 10 Joel Ferris 7:19.32
12 Gillian Carney 9 Joel Ferris 7:39.87PR
13 Amber McConnell 10 Lewis and Clark 7:58.10PR
14 Lavinia Greer 11 Lewis and Clark 8:03.75SR
Junior Varsity Girls 3200 Meters Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Mackenzie Rainbolt 9 Lewis and Clark 12:49.48PR
2 Dylan Stearns 11 Joel Ferris 13:45.15SR
Junior Varsity Girls 100m Hurdles Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Ava Gentemann 9 Joel Ferris 19.54PR
2 Summer Fenton 10 Joel Ferris 20.41PR
3 Alex Neupert 9 Joel Ferris 20.89PR
4 Lliana Williams 9 Lewis and Clark 21.30PR
5 Madison Anderson 11 Joel Ferris 21.63SR
Junior Varsity Girls 300m Hurdles Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Alex Neupert 9 Joel Ferris 1:00.57PR
2 Madison Anderson 11 Joel Ferris 1:02.62SR
Junior Varsity Girls 4x100m Finals
Team Time
1 Joel Ferris 55.68
2 Joel Ferris 55.79
3 Lewis and Clark 58.29
Junior Varsity Girls Shot Put Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Baneen Al-mohammed 9 North Central 25-04.00PR
2 Sydney Dykes 9 Lewis and Clark 24-00.25
3 Madison Gass 10 Joel Ferris 23-10.50
4 Lavinia Greer 11 Lewis and Clark 19-06.00
5 Sofie Harris 12 Lewis and Clark 19-02.00
Junior Varsity Girls Discus Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Sofie Harris 12 Lewis and Clark 59-09.50PR
2 Issabella Griffith 9 Joel Ferris 58-09PR
3 Sydney Dykes 9 Lewis and Clark 58-07
4 Lliana Williams 9 Lewis and Clark 57-00PR
5 Madison Gass 10 Joel Ferris 47-10SR
6 Baneen Al-mohammed 9 North Central 43-10
7 Brooke Giachetti 12 North Central 42-06
Junior Varsity Girls Javelin Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Felicia Guthmueller 9 Lewis and Clark 70-02PR
2 Arianna Flanigan 12 Lewis and Clark 70-01
3 Moana Schopfer 12 Lewis and Clark 68-05PR
4 Issabella Griffith 9 Joel Ferris 66-09
5 Zoe North 9 Lewis and Clark 58-10PR
6 Lindsay Butler 11 Lewis and Clark 53-05PR
7 Leah Gardner 10 Lewis and Clark 51-07PR
8 Brooke Giachetti 12 North Central 49-04
9 Mary Tesarik 9 Joel Ferris 47-03PR
10 maren Huber 9 Lewis and Clark 44-11PR
Junior Varsity Girls High Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Claire Featherstone 10 Joel Ferris 4-07.00PR
2 Sydnie Banks 10 Joel Ferris 4-04.00
3 Caitlin Schilbe 9 Joel Ferris 3-10.00PR
Chloe Wiley 11 Lewis and Clark NH
Leah Gardner 10 Lewis and Clark NH
Junior Varsity Girls Pole Vault Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Summer Fenton 10 Joel Ferris 7-06.00
2 Abigail Batten 10 Lewis and Clark 6-06.00PR
3 Morgan Houttekier 10 Joel Ferris 6-00.00
4 Hope Flannery 9 North Central 6-00.00PR
5 Lauren Young 9 North Central 5-06.00
Junior Varsity Girls Long Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Maura Sheehan 10 Joel Ferris 14-04.50SR
2 Mackenzie Rainbolt 9 Lewis and Clark 13-03.00PR
3 Juliette Gleave 10 Lewis and Clark 12-10.50PR
4 Shyla Sherman 10 North Central 11-11.00SR
4 Summer Fenton 10 Joel Ferris 11-11.00SR
6 Mieri Kahsay 9 North Central 11-09.50PR
7 Julia Hilsendeger 9 Lewis and Clark 11-07.50PR
8 Kristin Murphy 11 North Central 11-05.00SR
9 Helen Garabedian 9 Lewis and Clark 10-09.00PR
10 Emma Stachofsky 10 Lewis and Clark 9-09.00PR
Junior Varsity Girls Triple Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Summer Fenton 10 Joel Ferris 31-07.00PR
2 Avery Thurston 10 Joel Ferris 28-01.50PR
Kristin Murphy 11 North Central SCR
Shyla Sherman 10 North Central SCR