Vince Armstrong won boys’ 3200M with a time of 9:09.71
Vince Armstrong won boys’ 3200M with a time of 9:09.71
Katie Knight & Kendra Weitz placed 2nd & 3rd in the Girls' 3200 Meters
Andrew Wordell of North Central won the 800M with 1:54.32 (board had said 1:53.31)
Christine Kirkwood won Javelin with 166-09 to blow away the record by almost 40M. She has committed to the US Air Force
Boys mile – Marcus Dickson (White River – 4:14.97)), Anthony Armstrong (North Central – 4:14.96)
Sabrah DeVoir (400), Genevieve Reaume (800), Adrienne Demaree (1600)