WaRunners needs team reps! To fully help the site be as informatative as possible. The milesplit network has enabled viewers WaRunners to participate in editing their team pages.
We are looking for anyone who is affiliated with the school to help out! By registering a name on the site (top right of the front page) and then going to your corresponding team page and clicking "claim this as my team" - you will have full acces to being able to edit your team in the areas of rosters, team announcements, team page layouts, alumni, meet scheldules, meets hosted by your school , your individual athlete's pics, and much more following the approval process.
WE highly encourage anyone out there who is interested in promoting our sport and helping keep a better tally on your team, and overall scheldules in the state to please register a name on the site (located at the top right of the front page).
It is very easy to operate and we highly encourage you to get involved, whether you are a parent/coach/fan/athlete or simply a humanitarian trying to help take the burden off your overwhelmed webmaster, we thank you in advance for undertaking this endeavor.
Many schools use our Team Pages to supplement their schools team web page. In many cases we provide easier content update than other venues mayallow.
Many use the Team Pages as their main Team web page.
Contact the webmaster for more information
Webmaster: Robert Mirenzi - robert@warunners.com
Claim This Team
I'm a Team Admin
Team administrators have a big responsibility. They are able to enter/correct much of their team's page including the schedule, roster, announcements, and other information. Team administrators are also tasked with the duty of approving requests from athletes and parents to be added to the team. Requests to be team administrator must be approved by the webmaster, so will take some time to process. Only head coaches and those authorized by a head coach will be approved, you may be asked to provide details to verify your identity as an authorized team administrator.
Please identify yourself in the space below as to what your position is on the team and how we can verify your authority to be approved as team administrator.