GSL #4 @ North Central v Lewis & Clark & Central Valley 2023 vs GSL #3 @ Ridgeline v Mead & Central Valley 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -- 130 130
Overall Average +10.63 22:52.43 22:41.80
1st-10th Place +2.90 16:57.27 16:54.37
1st-25th Place -6.86 17:43.27 17:50.13
1st-50th Place +1.17 18:50.43 18:49.25
1st-100th Place +11.65 21:00.79 20:49.14
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster -22 3 25
Ran Season Best -8 -- 8
Average Time +44.72 23:24.82 22:40.11
Median Time +54.53 23:20.86 22:26.33
Middle 80% Times +43.38 23:16.16 22:32.78
Top 10% Times +38.27 17:38.85 17:00.58
Top 25% Times +35.44 18:47.22 18:11.78
Top 50% Times +36.07 20:16.17 19:40.10
Bottom 50% Times +53.37 26:33.47 25:40.11
Bottom 25% Times +1:09.26 29:06.72 27:57.46
Bottom 10% Times +1:22.24 31:58.44 30:36.21
Average Difference +44.72 -- --
Median Difference +31.73 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +43.38 -- --
Top 10% Difference +38.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +38.34 -- --
Top 25% Difference +35.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference +38.34 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +51.09 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:09.26 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:27.01 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Aaron Wright Central Valley Senior High School +48.49 17:24.77 16:36.28
John Troxel Central Valley Senior High School +28.17 17:16.11 16:47.94
Dallin Howard Central Valley Senior High School +38.15 18:15.68 17:37.53
Anderson Walker Central Valley Senior High School +1:06.37 19:25.38 18:19.01
Axton Magloire Central Valley Senior High School +3.77 18:36.63 18:32.86
Mackenzie Munn Central Valley Senior High School +42.41 20:14.44 19:32.03
Trent Robertson Central Valley Senior High School +20.74 20:17.52 19:56.78
Adalyn Depew Central Valley Senior High School +2:08.64 22:30.93 20:22.29
Jackson Leach Central Valley Senior High School +17.14 20:39.64 20:22.50
Mark Bakhtin Central Valley Senior High School -3.74 20:51.91 20:55.65
Jared Hess Central Valley Senior High School +1:01.65 22:02.27 21:00.62
Trevor Dobson Central Valley Senior High School -12.03 21:20.99 21:33.02
Elijah Young Central Valley Senior High School +16.35 22:01.12 21:44.77
Aiden McCrystle Central Valley Senior High School +1:20.71 23:20.86 22:00.15
Hayden Thompson Central Valley Senior High School +1:06.09 23:32.42 22:26.33
Tracen Lockwood Central Valley Senior High School -38.08 22:48.95 23:27.03
Landon McGarry Central Valley Senior High School +31.73 23:23.61 22:51.88
Johnathan Burson Central Valley Senior High School +58.71 24:05.70 23:06.99
Jayden Stewart Central Valley Senior High School +1.63 23:28.61 23:26.98
Mia Vigil Central Valley Senior High School +51.43 24:25.13 23:33.70
Paloma Ford Central Valley Senior High School +58.94 25:45.31 24:46.37
Nathan Moss Central Valley Senior High School +1:41.64 27:15.42 25:33.78
Alexandria Scott Central Valley Senior High School +14.65 26:02.44 25:47.79
Blaine Parker Central Valley Senior High School +35.22 26:40.28 26:05.06
Kayleigh Ortiz Central Valley Senior High School +2:01.53 28:28.51 26:26.98
Brady Kuhn Central Valley Senior High School +1:12.26 27:53.55 26:41.29
Alexis Kuhn Central Valley Senior High School +1:04.80 31:32.36 30:27.56
Dalton Ruth Central Valley Senior High School +1:14.69 35:54.46 34:39.77