Metro League XC - O'Dea/HNA/Ball/Rainier Beach/Seattle Prep, etc 2022 vs Metro League XC - Lincoln, Garfield, Rainier Beach, Roosevelt 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +51 345 294
Overall Average +26.71 24:17.63 23:50.92
1st-10th Place +53.40 17:40.60 16:47.20
1st-25th Place +58.03 18:16.23 17:18.20
1st-50th Place +58.19 18:56.21 17:58.02
1st-100th Place +31.34 19:48.91 19:17.57
Common Athletes -- -- 115
Ran Faster 55 85 30
Ran Season Best 11 17 6
Average Time -38.42 23:34.26 24:12.68
Median Time -24.20 22:37.80 23:02.00
Middle 80% Times -35.61 23:08.05 23:43.65
Top 10% Times -3.29 18:05.96 18:09.25
Top 25% Times -5.52 19:11.24 19:16.76
Top 50% Times -7.78 20:27.13 20:34.91
Bottom 50% Times -1:08.39 26:17.01 27:25.40
Bottom 25% Times -1:22.57 29:20.15 30:42.72
Bottom 10% Times -1:43.98 32:50.94 34:34.92
Average Difference -38.42 -- --
Median Difference -3:10.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -34.94 -- --
Top 10% Difference -8.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference -9.07 -- --
Top 25% Difference -6.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference -9.07 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:10.39 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:36.91 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:43.98 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Camden Jaureguy Roosevelt High School +18.90 16:49.90 16:31.00
Avery Erickson Nathan Hale High School -11.10 17:12.90 17:24.00
Wyatt Heily Seattle Preparatory School +13.30 17:34.30 17:21.00
Devan Harrison Roosevelt High School -14.40 17:34.60 17:49.00
Seamus Alspach Seattle Preparatory School +19.70 18:07.70 17:48.00
Quincy Purcell Roosevelt High School +0.70 18:09.70 18:09.00
Ethan Nelson-atkins Nathan Hale High School -29.20 18:11.80 18:41.00
Ethan Petrie Nathan Hale High School -50.10 18:13.90 19:04.00
Peter Frazzini Seattle Preparatory School +24.60 18:48.60 18:24.00
Nikola Radosavljevic Nathan Hale High School -53.40 18:24.60 19:18.00
Jameson Cagan Seattle Preparatory School +50.90 19:32.90 18:42.00
William Gould Roosevelt High School +35.30 19:27.30 18:52.00
Jaxon Reischl Nathan Hale High School -11.20 18:54.80 19:06.00
Ian Cook Nathan Hale High School -8.30 19:08.70 19:17.00
Steiger Dodge Roosevelt High School +1:26.60 20:40.60 19:14.00
Spencer Rosenthal Roosevelt High School -29.90 19:27.10 19:57.00
Karsten Hirst Seattle Preparatory School +6.10 19:45.10 19:39.00
Jasper Park Seattle Preparatory School +25.50 20:07.50 19:42.00
Walker Haucke Nathan Hale High School -1:08.80 19:50.20 20:59.00
Christian Ward Roosevelt High School -1:13.70 19:52.30 21:06.00
Ivan Levy Roosevelt High School -37.30 19:54.70 20:32.00
Henry Orme Roosevelt High School -3.30 19:56.70 20:00.00
Nathan Leland Roosevelt High School +11.30 20:10.30 19:59.00
Theo Kapur Roosevelt High School -9.00 20:01.00 20:10.00
Aidan Jewett Roosevelt High School -14.60 20:02.40 20:17.00
Anika Jones Nathan Hale High School -18.70 20:04.30 20:23.00
Isaac Notzka Nathan Hale High School -3:10.70 20:04.30 23:15.00
Tadgh O'Mahoney Seattle Preparatory School -8.50 20:08.50 20:17.00
Gabriel Bagan Roosevelt High School -22.60 20:15.40 20:38.00
William Jackson Seattle Preparatory School +1:42.00 22:12.00 20:30.00
Chester Billerbeck Seattle Preparatory School -26.60 20:34.40 21:01.00
Alex Rockwell Roosevelt High School +4:54.60 25:30.60 20:36.00
Lucy Pew Roosevelt High School +1:15.00 22:01.00 20:46.00
Marcel Sezgin Roosevelt High School -26.50 20:51.50 21:18.00
Filip Christian Seattle Preparatory School -48.70 20:54.30 21:43.00
Simon Lee Seattle Preparatory School -24.40 20:54.60 21:19.00
Avery Williams Roosevelt High School +1:05.60 22:00.60 20:55.00
Isaac Kim Roosevelt High School -17.00 20:55.00 21:12.00
Zach Hansen Seattle Preparatory School -17.30 20:58.70 21:16.00
Genevieve Minard Roosevelt High School -33.70 21:00.30 21:34.00
Andrew Metcalf Seattle Preparatory School +58.30 22:05.30 21:07.00
Simon Harrington Roosevelt High School +58.70 22:05.70 21:07.00
Kyle Kushleika Roosevelt High School +39.40 21:50.40 21:11.00
Anna Lendrum Fort Roosevelt High School +9.00 21:26.00 21:17.00
Kaylie Earl Roosevelt High School +5.10 21:23.10 21:18.00
Vaughan Foss-Roos Roosevelt High School -1:26.30 21:36.70 23:03.00
Oscar Zimmerman Roosevelt High School +3.90 21:45.90 21:42.00
Kai Davey Roosevelt High School -12.30 21:43.70 21:56.00
Ben Oron Nathan Hale High School -59.50 21:47.50 22:47.00
James Hanson Roosevelt High School -50.00 21:50.00 22:40.00
Jacob Orquia Nathan Hale High School -5.30 21:51.70 21:57.00
Anya Selivanoff Nathan Hale High School -1:03.10 21:53.90 22:57.00
Hannah Barnes Nathan Hale High School -2:36.40 21:55.60 24:32.00
Henry Kelly Roosevelt High School -40.20 21:57.80 22:38.00
Nyla Moxley Nathan Hale High School -38.70 22:17.30 22:56.00
Juliette Rothwell Nathan Hale High School -37.50 22:20.50 22:58.00
Dylan Senescall Roosevelt High School -25.90 22:25.10 22:51.00
Matthew Metcalf Seattle Preparatory School -5.90 22:25.10 22:31.00
Ty Kirchoff Roosevelt High School +40.40 23:06.40 22:26.00
Elena Boyle Roosevelt High School -1:55.20 22:37.80 24:33.00
Sam Kurtz Seattle Preparatory School -35.60 22:48.40 23:24.00
Maxine Waldron Roosevelt High School -1:14.30 22:51.70 24:06.00
Brandon Bailey Roosevelt High School -2.60 22:52.40 22:55.00
Chase Guyton Roosevelt High School +29.00 23:31.00 23:02.00
Ella Molinaro Roosevelt High School -1:38.20 23:05.80 24:44.00
Ava Blakeney Roosevelt High School -55.20 23:10.80 24:06.00
Sara Sindell Roosevelt High School -9.00 23:18.00 23:27.00
Stephen Kassab Seattle Preparatory School -1:31.20 23:20.80 24:52.00
Owen Gray Nathan Hale High School -2:15.60 23:24.40 25:40.00
Julia Krische Seattle Preparatory School -45.70 23:28.30 24:14.00
Elena Krentz Roosevelt High School -41.00 23:30.00 24:11.00
Hazel Geiger Nathan Hale High School -54.30 23:34.70 24:29.00
Lily Turner Nathan Hale High School -51.00 23:44.00 24:35.00
Peyton Remington Seattle Preparatory School -56.90 23:57.10 24:54.00
Luka Bergan Nathan Hale High School -2:26.80 24:02.20 26:29.00
Chloe Johnson Roosevelt High School -1:28.50 24:27.50 25:56.00
Roland Nava Nathan Hale High School -2:29.20 24:32.80 27:02.00
Harper Stroup Roosevelt High School -1:35.70 24:33.30 26:09.00
Marcus Hanson Roosevelt High School -2:04.70 24:33.30 26:38.00
Nirnkaar Khalsa Nathan Hale High School -42.60 24:41.40 25:24.00
Ty Bailey Roosevelt High School -2:00.50 24:47.50 26:48.00
Lillian Stukovsky Roosevelt High School +53.50 25:48.50 24:55.00
Devon Osborne Roosevelt High School -58.30 25:05.70 26:04.00
Ryan Elbert Roosevelt High School -1:32.50 25:09.50 26:42.00
Jaxsen Pascual Seattle Preparatory School -2:54.60 25:14.40 28:09.00
Kate Niwa Roosevelt High School +52.40 26:08.40 25:16.00
Sonja Howard Roosevelt High School -4.00 25:39.00 25:43.00
Henry Nelson Nathan Hale High School -5:08.10 25:40.90 30:49.00
Zooey Carlstedt Seattle Preparatory School -1:56.50 25:48.50 27:45.00
Logan Morris Nathan Hale High School -36.90 25:54.10 26:31.00
Nicole Moran Roosevelt High School -20.80 25:55.20 26:16.00
Clare Flynn Seattle Preparatory School -2:43.60 26:11.40 28:55.00
Kayla McCulloch Seattle Preparatory School +2.40 26:33.40 26:31.00
Jeevin Kaur Roosevelt High School -0.40 26:34.60 26:35.00
June Thackray Roosevelt High School -38.30 26:49.70 27:28.00
Sofia Stowell Roosevelt High School -30.00 26:52.00 27:22.00
Kian Leech Seattle Preparatory School +7.30 27:30.30 27:23.00
Kate Wong Roosevelt High School -11.10 27:23.90 27:35.00
Siena O'Meara Seattle Preparatory School +1:03.70 28:33.70 27:30.00
Jemma Simpson Nathan Hale High School -1:52.80 27:31.20 29:24.00
Siena Kiefer Seattle Preparatory School -1:15.20 27:31.80 28:47.00
Olivia Lovejoy Seattle Preparatory School -1:42.60 27:38.40 29:21.00
Kezia Bransford Roosevelt High School -14.00 27:48.00 28:02.00
Layla Schueneman Seattle Preparatory School -2:24.90 29:03.10 31:28.00
Maya Bransier Seattle Preparatory School -2:54.80 30:01.20 32:56.00
Lauren Rosauer Seattle Preparatory School -5:22.40 30:20.60 35:43.00
Elise Bak Roosevelt High School -1:58.20 31:38.80 33:37.00
Gigi Perrina Seattle Preparatory School -4:02.80 31:40.20 35:43.00
Georgia Limbaugh Seattle Preparatory School -2:59.60 31:47.40 34:47.00
Amelia Hewitt Roosevelt High School -1:06.10 32:43.90 33:50.00
Nadia Hutson Roosevelt High School -48.70 33:16.30 34:05.00
Sarah Tano Seattle Preparatory School -1:06.70 33:57.30 35:04.00
Elizabeth Doyle Seattle Preparatory School -1:43.40 34:06.60 35:50.00
Ada Ledford Roosevelt High School +58.80 36:15.80 35:17.00
Ava Sais Seattle Preparatory School +2:41.10 39:20.10 36:39.00