Nisqually League XC #2 2024 vs Nisqually League meet #3 at Port Townsend Golf Club 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +64 168 104
Overall Average -13.69 23:09.01 23:22.70
1st-10th Place -31.26 17:19.61 17:50.87
1st-25th Place -36.79 17:58.15 18:34.94
1st-50th Place -1:07.89 18:42.69 19:50.59
1st-100th Place -2:39.67 20:09.18 22:48.85
Common Athletes -- -- 49
Ran Faster 29 39 10
Ran Season Best 12 19 7
Average Time -1:14.26 22:15.62 23:29.87
Median Time -1:19.70 21:26.80 22:46.50
Middle 80% Times -1:00.20 22:06.96 23:07.16
Top 10% Times -44.24 17:25.84 18:10.08
Top 25% Times -40.22 18:06.81 18:47.03
Top 50% Times -58.56 19:03.68 20:02.24
Bottom 50% Times -1:26.99 24:34.13 26:01.12
Bottom 25% Times -1:58.77 27:40.49 29:39.26
Bottom 10% Times -3:29.18 29:23.34 32:52.52
Average Difference -1:14.26 -- --
Median Difference -2:50.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -55.63 -- --
Top 10% Difference -24.30 -- --
Top 50% Difference -49.94 -- --
Top 25% Difference -36.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference -49.94 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:42.43 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:09.21 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:00.40 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tyler Larson Klahowya Secondary School -2:21.70 16:32.80 18:54.50
Carson Wintch Klahowya Secondary School -46.80 17:05.20 17:52.00
Josh Healey Vashon Island High School -4.20 17:37.20 17:41.40
Sawyer Hermosura-R Klahowya Secondary School -38.00 17:53.40 18:31.40
Cash Nowicki Vashon Island High School -17.49 18:00.60 18:18.09
Noah Isenberg Port Townsend Senior High School -1:14.30 18:05.10 19:19.40
Dustin Hines Port Townsend Senior High School -1:03.10 18:10.90 19:14.00
Joshua Yearian Port Townsend Senior High School -53.89 18:11.40 19:05.29
Andy Goldsworthy Bellevue Christian High School -15.00 18:12.50 18:27.50
Ben Wilson Bellevue Christian High School -57.80 18:47.40 19:45.20
Kaleb Welch Seattle Christian -1:37.00 18:55.70 20:32.70
Elijah Boddy Klahowya Secondary School -10.60 18:55.90 19:06.50
Calvin Forsberg Bellevue Christian High School -2:39.60 19:00.40 21:40.00
Marek Ruttler Klahowya Secondary School +40.60 19:42.10 19:01.50
Quinn Rogers Klahowya Secondary School -2:46.00 19:11.80 21:57.80
Natalie Oathout Klahowya Secondary School +1:08.00 20:24.70 19:16.70
Orion Bretherton Charles Wright Academy -35.70 19:18.50 19:54.20
Wilson Zeigler Klahowya Secondary School +8.61 19:31.70 19:23.09
Atom Barrett Port Townsend Senior High School -6:24.90 19:28.00 25:52.90
Nico Errichetti Port Townsend Senior High School -1:47.09 19:34.50 21:21.59
Brent Calhoun Vashon Island High School -2:50.70 19:57.20 22:47.90
Luci Sarti Port Townsend Senior High School -2:22.69 20:32.40 22:55.09
Billy Richmond Klahowya Secondary School -1:11.10 20:41.10 21:52.20
Brendan Ee Charles Wright Academy +1:24.91 22:29.00 21:04.09
Josiah Whitney Klahowya Secondary School -1:00.20 21:14.70 22:14.90
Michael Mocan Bellevue Christian High School -1:19.70 21:26.80 22:46.50
Samantha Schofield Klahowya Secondary School -1:22.79 21:34.30 22:57.09
Ella Salo Klahowya Secondary School +19.31 21:58.40 21:39.09
Cecelia Guenther Vashon Island High School +1:35.60 23:31.90 21:56.30
Blake Kusak Bellevue Christian High School -4:51.00 21:59.70 26:50.70
Ronan Reed Vashon Island High School -24.70 22:50.10 23:14.80
Emily Harrington Vashon Island High School +3:25.61 26:34.90 23:09.29
Jack Croonquist Seattle Christian +40.10 23:54.10 23:14.00
Josephbrian Mills Life Christian School -45.50 23:17.90 24:03.40
Lela Richmond Klahowya Secondary School -2:29.99 23:37.60 26:07.59
Henry Porter Vashon Island High School -2:42.50 23:50.30 26:32.80
Michael Gregg Port Townsend Senior High School +5:23.41 29:26.50 24:03.09
Eric Zhang Bellevue Christian High School -1:41.90 25:23.50 27:05.40
Jacob Velasquez Charles Wright Academy -3:04.09 25:31.50 28:35.59
Madison DeCoursey Seattle Christian -58.60 25:33.80 26:32.40
Emma Campbell Vashon Island High School -2:02.40 25:53.50 27:55.90
Estella Bryant Cascade Christian School -7:23.60 26:42.40 34:06.00
Henry Lancaster Klahowya Secondary School -39.70 27:23.00 28:02.70
Joann Mangio Seattle Christian -53.30 27:33.50 28:26.80
Alex Lott Port Townsend Senior High School -8.80 27:37.10 27:45.90
Sara Schambier Life Christian School -5:52.90 27:59.10 33:52.00
Grace McGovern Life Christian School -5:25.40 28:08.60 33:34.00
Sophronia Gerber Klahowya Secondary School +1:30.11 29:57.70 28:27.59
Reagan Greig Seattle Christian -2:50.20 31:24.80 34:15.00