
Quincy High School

Address: 16 6th Ave SE, Quincy, WA 98848

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-03-27 Best in the Basin
2024-05-08 CTL Championships
2024-04-20 CLA Quincy Invite
2024-03-21 Best in the Basin
2023-05-16 Quincy Middle School Track Meet
2023-05-04 NCW Meet at Quincy
2023-04-22 CLA Quincy Invite
2023-03-23 Best in the Basin
2022-05-11 CTL League Meet @ Quincy
2022-04-23 CLA Quincy Invite
2022-03-24 Best in the Basin
2021-09-30 Quincy Home XC Meet
2020-09-24 Quincy/Homer Dual
2019-05-18 Official District 5/6 State Qualiefier
2019-05-02 CWAC League Meet #4 Wap/GV/ELL@ Quincy
2019-04-20 Quincy Invitational
2018-10-04 CWAC Selah, Prosser, @ Quincy
2018-05-03 CWAC League #4 Oth/Eph @QHS
2018-04-21 Quincy Invitational
2017-09-21 CWAC League - Eb/Eph@Qui
2017-05-19 22B District 5/6
2017-05-12 CWAC 5/6 District Meet
2017-05-04 CWAC League - WAPT/GV @ QUINCY
2017-04-13 CWAC League - EV/Top@Quincy
2016-10-13 CWAC League Meet:Wap, Oth @ Quincy
2016-05-13 District 5/6 Championship
2016-04-21 CWAC League - EV/Wap@QHS
2015-10-08 CWAC: Wapato, Selah @ Quincy
2014-10-09 Quincy Triangular

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00